The Hazelwood Mine Fire Board of Inquiry is offering to help people requiring assistance to make written public submissions.
‘Input from the community, particularly those who have been directly affected or who have related expertise, will be essential to the Inquiry,’ said chair, Justice Bernard Teague.
‘We are calling for submissions that address any aspect of our terms of reference'.
The Inquiry’s terms of reference include investigating the circumstances of the Hazelwood Coal Mine fire, including the emergency response and the support provided to Morwell residents and other affected communities. The full terms of reference can be found at
Justice Teague said that now community consultations were complete, written submissions were the principal way in which individuals and organisations could contribute to the Inquiry.
‘Submissions will be examined by each member of the Board and generally made publicly available through the Inquiry’s website’ he said.
The closing date for public submissions is Monday 12 May 2014.
Submissions can be lodged online at, or mailed to PO Box 3460, Gippsland MC, VIC, 3841.
All submissions must carry a cover sheet, which is available on the Inquiry’s website (or from the Inquiry Secretariat) along with helpful information about how to make a submission.
Those without access to the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry site or those wishing for assistance writing their submissions can contact the Secretariat by calling 1300 442 972.
Formal public hearings will commence in Morwell during the week of 26 May 2014. Details will be posted on the Inquiry’s website closer to the date.