For an application as an individual, please ensure that you have the following documents scanned and ready to be uploaded:
- driver's licence
- vehicle registration certificate
- statutory declaration of the person who has committed a relevant offence (if applicable)
If you are making an application on behalf of a company, please ensure that you have the following documents scanned and ready to be uploaded:
- driver's licence of the applicant
- vehicle registration certificate
- letter from the director of the company
- statutory declaration(s) of the person who has committed a relevant offence (at an individual or corporate level as applicable).
AS2809 tanker design approval (for tanker applicants applying for flammable liquid).
Lease agreement (for lessee applicants).
Permit to transport prescribed industrial waste (IWRG811) provides guidance on which documents are required when applying for a new permit.
Please note that the size limit per attachment is 10MB.
Image files must be submitted in one of the following formats:
- .ai - Adobe Illustrator file
- .bmp - bitmap image
- .gif - GIF image
- .ico - Icon file
- .jpeg or .jpg - JPEG image
- .png - PNG image
- .ps - PostScript file
- .psd - PSD image
- .svg - scalable vector graphics file
- .tif or .tiff - TIFF image
Document files must be submitted in one of the following formats:
- .doc and .docx - Microsoft Word file
- .odt - OpenOffice Writer document file
- .pdf - PDF file
- .rtf - rich text format
- .tex - A LaTeX document file
- .txt - plain text file
- .wks and .wps- Microsoft Works file
- .wpd - WordPerfect document
- .csv - Comma separated value file
- .ppt - PowerPoint presentation
- .pptx - PowerPoint Open XML presentation
- .csv - Comma separated value file