News and updates

Report litter all year round

3 Feb 2014

EPA Victoria encourages people to report litter using the new mobile site that makes the process even faster.

It’s led to a strong response to our state-wide Summertime Litter Campaign, with more than 50,000 Victorians signing up to report litter.

Reporting is easy, all you need is a description of the item littered such as cigarette, bottle, apple core or plastic bag and details about the driver and vehicle.

Here’s a checklist:

  1. Who? Car details, rego, colour, driver or passenger, gender of litterer
  2. What? Lit or unlit cigarette or if not a cigarette please describe the litter. Was it a bottle, can? Food wrapper?
  3. When? Exact time and date of offence
  4. Where? Where was the car, what road was it travelling on, in which suburb? What intersection was closest?
  5. How? How was the litter deposited – thrown from vehicle, dropped before exiting vehicle or dropped before getting into a car.

EPA’s public litter reporting service was the first of its kind in Australia, established in 2002. It enables members of the public to report people who throw litter from a Victorian-registered motor vehicle to EPA Victoria. For more information on the Report Litter program visit

Stop litter where it starts – if you see litter thrown from a vehicle report the offender to EPA Victoria by downloading the app in the Apple or Google Play stores, visiting or by calling 1300 372 842 (1300 EPA VIC).


Page last updated on 23 Apr 2015