EPA issues smoke advisories as a result of bushfires.
A high level alert is issued when visibility is less than 10 kilometres due to high particle concentrations in the air, and it means that you may see smoke impacts on your health. You can assess the current air quality in your area using these steps:
1. When there is no fire identify landmarks that are visible from your home at the distances shown in the categories in the table.
2. Use landmarks as a guide to estimate air quality in your area when smoke is present.
3. When you can no longer clearly see a landmark, air quality has deteriorated. Visibility in Table 1 is the distance of the nearest landmark that is just obscured by the smoke.
4. Use the visibility determined in Step 3 to identify the applicable air quality category in the table.
The Victorian Chief Health Officer Dr Rosemary Lester advises that excessive smoke levels can not only aggravate existing heart or lung conditions, but may also cause members of the community to experience irritated eyes, coughing or wheezing.
“Everyone should avoid prolonged or heavy physical activity and keep informed about fire activity in their immediate area,” Dr Lester said.
“Anyone with a heart or lung condition should take their medication as prescribed by their doctor.
“People with asthma should follow their asthma management plan.
“Anyone with concerns about their health should seek medical advice or call NURSE-ON-CALL on 1300 60 60 24.”
Check EPA’s air quality forecasts at http://www.epa.vic.gov.au/our-work/monitoring-the-environment/air-quality-bulletins
For further information about bushfire smoke and health go to www.health.vic.gov.au/environment/bushfires/
For fire information go to the Victorian Bushfire Information Line 1800 240 667 or visit the Country Fire Authority Victoria website at www.emergency.vic.gov.au