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How EPA responds to pollution reports

20 Jun 2014

EPA Victoria has issued a clear guide explaining how we investigate and regulate pollution while supporting industry and community amenity.

EPA's Acting Director of Environmental Regulation Elizabeth Radcliffe said the ‘How EPA responds to pollution reports’ brochure explains how the EPA works with the community to investigate pollution.

“The brochure will help to increase understanding within the community, and the businesses and industries we regulate, about how we assess and respond to pollution reports,” Ms Radcliffe said.

“EPA uses a risk based approach to make sure our resources are used in the most effective way to address pollution reports that have the highest risk to the environment and human health.”

EPA assesses every pollution report to deliver a targeted and consistent response. Responses from EPA might include immediate attendance, a planned inspection for a later date, or a joint response with co-regulators Residents are encouraged to report pollution to EPA in a timely and accurate manner so potential pollution can be properly investigated.

“EPA is highly dependent on pollution reports from the community to do our job so we need these reports to be accurate,” Ms Radcliffe said.

“It’s really important when reporting issues such as odour that we receive as much information as possible. This informs our response and allows us to continue to effectively manage our resources and build a strong picture of the causes and impacts of the pollution.”

Residents who make reports should also be prepared to appear in court or act as a witness in order for EPA to successfully prosecute.

“Unfounded or exaggerated reports can have a detrimental impact on EPA’s operations by potentially preventing field officers from responding to legitimate issues of serious concern,” Ms Radcliffe said.

Even if EPA officers do not immediately respond to a pollution report, all reports are logged in the system to assist EPA with any future assessments.

Pollution reports can be made through EPA’s hotline, 1300 372 842 (1300 EPA VIC), and our online portal –

More information on how to make a pollution report is available at

Page last updated on 20 Jun 2014