Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has launched a state-wide program to reduce the risks posed by leaking underground petroleum storage systems (UPSSs) - one of the most common sources of both land and groundwater contamination.
EPA Chief Executive Officer Nial Finegan said the program targeted owners/operators of UPSSs at service stations across Victoria. Data suggests that some operators were not adequately monitoring their UPSSs for leaks and responding to indications of a leak.
Mr Finegan said EPA would call on owners/operators of UPSSs at service stations to complete a self-evaluation of their UPSS management to ensure they were meeting the requirements set out in EPA‘s Guidelines on the design, installation, and management requirements for underground petroleum storage systems (Guidelines).
“Owners/operators will be asked to submit a report to EPA advising whether their self-evaluation identified any requirements in the Guidelines not being met and if so, what corrective action they are taking,” Mr Finegan said.
“The self-evaluation will help operators identify and correct problems before they become major liabilities due to EPA enforcement or costly clean up.
“EPA will then undertake inspections of service stations across Victoria, where we will check the accuracy of information provided and ensure UPSSs are being properly managed by enforcing compliance where necessary.
“Leakage from UPSSs is a significant problem within the petroleum industry - UPSSs have the potential to leak, leading to expensive clean-up costs, damage to the environment and risks to human health.
“Environmental audits of service station sites almost always find some level of contamination present,” Mr Finegan said.
Owners/operators need to manage their UPSSs in accordance with Victorian legislation and guidelines to minimise the risks to people and the environment.
As part of the program EPA is also encouraging people who work underground, for example with sewer pipes or in services pits and manholes, to report possible petrol leaks they discover when working underground.
For further information visit www.epa.vic.gov.au/upss