EPA’s preference is that brand owners are signatory to the APC to ensure a nationally consistent approach to product stewardship. Brand owners who are not signatory to the APC must meet compliance obligations under Victoria’s WMP.
Your business will be required to meet prescriptive recording and reporting requirements for all consumer packaging materials, as set out by obligations and regulations in the states and territories in which your packaging is sold.
Businesses may elect to report to all states and territories in which their products are sold under the NEPM, and not become a Member of APCO. There reporting requirements may vary between jurisdictions, however, reporting requirements in Victoria are prescribed by the Waste Management Policy (Used Packaging).
One of the obligations of the WMP requires Brand Owners to ensure an overall recovery rate of 70% for the following consumer packaging:
a) Paper and cardboard
b) Glass
c) Steel
d) Aluminium
e) PET plastics (Code 1)
f) HDPE plastics (Code 2) and
g) Plastics (Codes 3-7).
Additionally, a brand owner must record the following information each packaging material used during each financial year:
(a) total weight of material used by material type
(b) number of units of packaging by unit and material type
(c) total weight of material recovered by material type
(d) total weight of recovered material re-used and recycled in Australia by material type
(e) total weight of recovered material re-used and recycled by material type through export
(f) total kilojoules of embedded energy recovered
(g) total weight of recovered material disposed of to landfill; and
(h) how consumers have been advised as to how packaging is to be recovered.
Please refer to the Waste Management Policy (Used Packaging) for the complete list of packaging and reporting requirements in Victoria.