Business forms, permits and online tools

Works approval application checklist

Start the works approval application checklist

You should use this checklist when you start to prepare your works approval application document (refer to How to complete a works approval application).

It will help you work out:

  • the list of environmental areas to address
  • the level and detail of information you need to provide.

Based on your answers, the system will then generate a tailored application document for you to complete whilst referring to the relevant sections of the Works approval application (publication 1658).

We have made a YouTube video to demonstrate how to use the checklist.

How do I use the checklist to make my works approval application?

Determine which segments of environmental information you need to provide

Refer to:

  • the assessment plan provided by EPA
  • appendix B in the Works approval application (publication 1658) – summary of information requirements for scheduled premises.

Tick the relevant boxes on the checklist

Questions that you must answer are greyed out and cannot be deselected.

Hover over a question to see a popup box that explains it. Follow the instructions in the popup box and answer ‘YES’ or ‘NO’.

If you are still not sure, refer to the relevant section of the Works approval application (publication 1658), as indicated in the right-hand column of the checklist, entitled ‘Guideline section’.

Enter text directly into the checklist where applicable.

Generate your works approval application documents

After you’ve completed the checklist, click the ‘Generate documents’ button at the end of the checklist. A new page will then appear with links to the following documents:

  • a summary of your responses, which is a copy of your completed checklist. You should attach it to the works approval application.
  • a template, which is a tailored table of contents for your works approval application document.
  • supporting information, which you must complete and attach to the works approval application.

The template includes the following information:

  • a table of contents that refers to relevant sections of the Works approval application (publication 1658)
  • prompts for key information to be provided
  • sample tables.

Page last updated on 10 Jul 2017