Segregated waste can often be recycled and may be a valuable product for another business
Remember the 3 Rs...
- Quantify the waste you produce. Waste is the difference between the materials you pay for and the materials your customer pays for.
- Account for the difference between the tonnage of raw materials and the tonnage of products you produce. This will allow you to identify reduction opportunities.
- Examine each process step to determine where wastes are produced and to devise measures for waste prevention or reduction. Many wastes occur because of process inefficiency.
- Calculate the theoretical minimum waste production from your processes. You should aim to keep within 10 per cent of this figure.
- Devise ways of reducing your waste with your employees and suppliers so they too can share in the savings, for example rewards for employees and suppliers who reduce waste.
- Remember, your waste management contractor is a key supplier for assisting with waste minimisation. Ask them how they can help and work in partnership.
- Keep a running tally of waste production so you can track your improvement. Make sure you include internal wastes such as rework and recycle streams.
- Reuse drums and containers where possible. Ask suppliers to exchange empties.
- Identify ways of reusing materials in the process at different stages, for example recirculating cooling water.
- Identify possible ways of selling your waste to other organisations for their production processes. This information can be found through Sustainability Victoria.
- Segregate wastes wherever possible – this will aid recycling and provide an indication of why waste is forming (do not mix waste streams).
- Investigate alternative uses for organic waste that cannot be reduced or reused, for example compost or convert the waste to energy.
- Divert recyclable wastes from the general waste bin, identify recyclers or waste disposal contractors and organise regular collections.
- Join with neighbouring businesses to get common wastes recycled cost effectively and talk to your waste contractor about cost off-sets by efficient serving of the area.
Less waste = less pollution = less effort = less cost
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