Monitoring the environment

2015 Victorian air monitoring results

Air quality was generally good in the Melbourne, Geelong and Latrobe Valley regions in 2015. Some areas, such as Brooklyn, experienced poorer air quality due to localised sources of pollution. Bushfires also had a major impact on Victoria’s air quality in 2015.


Particles (as PM10) were the pollutant that was most frequently measured above the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure (NEPM AAQ) during 2015.

The NEPM AAQ goal for PM10 particles is that the daily air quality objective is not exceeded more than five days in a year. The goal was not achieved at two air monitoring sites: Brooklyn and Geelong. The PM10 air quality standard in Brooklyn was exceeded on 11 days in 2015. In general, these were associated with dust from local sources.


Page last updated on 24 Apr 2017